Friday, February 29, 2008

Bookselling and the Community

This article confirms my belief that communities need bookstores and that there is more happening in a bookstore then the retailing of books. I have said that I want to have a business that is an asset to the community and reading this was encouraging.

This is where I believe I have something to offer that Amazon cannot give the customer or the town.

Book Passage - Bookselling and the Community: "The important impact of independent bookselling can best be seen under three categories:

1. Independent bookselling as an engine for local economic growth
2. Local bookstores as a catalyst for new writers and readers
3. Bookstore activities as a focal point for community life"

Do you want to jump start your local economy? Bring in an independent bookstore. Studies show that locally-owned retailers provide a much larger boost to the local economy than chainstores. And among local retailers, independent booksellers provide an even greater catalyst for money flowing back into the community.

Hear that South Padre Island!!

If independent booksellers were forced out of business, most people - even diehard customers of independent bookstores - assume that they could find the books they want somewhere else. But that’s not likely to be the case. In the book business, more than in any other, the quality of what is created at the producer or publisher level is largely determined by how those books are sold to consumers at the retail level. If independent bookselling dies, many types of books will die with it. A World Without Independents

Without independent booksellers to perform the crucial early marketing for new authors or unconventional books, the publishing industry would most likely deteriorate very quickly into a business of celebrity authors, established best-sellers, and formula books. The implications would be dire for free speech and a vigorous debate of public issues. Books on public affairs would probably be limited only to those that reflected the political viewpoint of the people at the top of the corporate pyramid. From the point of view of new authors, could there possibly be a worse scenario than having the fate of their books decided by a pair of chainstore buyers?

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